
  • 聖誕快樂! - 聖誕快樂!(這個開場白是不是太普通呢?)前日去我媽間公司的聖誕Party,見返D 好久不見的朋友,話說有條友明明細我一年,今次見他竟然跟我差不多高!(天啊!我干嘛這麼矮小呢?我Damn it!)結果我費事同他玩~算啦!再過一會兒就去睇戲,我可是等咗好久啦!不過無論如何,就算我考完試都係要俾人迫去讀書~(Wha...
    15 年前



唉~終於考完試,其實話就話好難,其實簡直容易到爆。之前聽D 師兄話E.n.g Reading 好難,我第一個做完(應該是吧!XD)。Check 完卷仲有大把時間,無無聊聊咁係渡玩擦膠,自己都覺得超低能,於是趴係張桌子上發白日夢(仲低能!XD),係度捻Firefox D 野,後來又發夢係海洋公園玩過山車,經過漫長的白癡歲月後,一打鐘,全部人(包括全校的人)都歡呼!我想這是傳統吧!(話說我阿爸果輩冇這個傳統喔~汗……)

2 則留言:

匿名 說...


匿名 說...

你之前篇文我幫你改左D,and also 600幾字其實好小!!!
Dear Mozilla,
Hello! I am a member from the discuss forum of MozTW. I am a Hong Kong user. I would like to ask if Mozilla could create a Hong Kong version of Firefox.

Now, most of the Hong Kong users are using zh-TW version but there are some annoying problems for Hong Kong users. This is because the localized support is not suitable for Hong Kong users, such as the search plug-ins, the default Charest and the news RSS Feed.
As these problems, I created a forum version for the Hong Kong user to have the localized support when using Firefox.

Unfortunately, this forum version is not very popular at all because most of the Hong Kong users wouldn't be participate in MozTW forum and even most of the Firefox Hong Kong user don't know there is a Firefox Hong Kong version available!

So that, we hope Mozilla could provide a Hong Kong version of Firefox. We have grouped up a team to develop Hong Kong version. They are:

* L10n Manager: Me
* Permanent consultant: hillwood
* Impermanent consultant: tszkin & ktsps613
* Promoter: Martin_Wong

About the difference between Hong Kong and Taiwan version, you can see them below:
* Change the default charset to Big5-HKSCS and not Big5. And auto change all the Big5 charset web page to Big5-HKSCS.
* The search plug-ins all change to Hong Kong local search. (They are: Google Hong Kong, Yahoo! Hong Kong, Yahoo! Dictionary, Yahoo! Knowledge, Wikipedia, ebay Hong Kong, Facebook Hong Kong & Youtube Hong Kong.
* The news RSS Feed, we hope to change to Google Hong Kong News.
* I changed some of the local settings in about:config, such as keyword.url.
* With some international web page, I changed the display order to zh-HK→zh-TW→zh-CN→en-US.
* A MozTW member suggest to add a sign: zh-yue=zh-HK in langGroups.properties to have a better support of Cantonese web page.
* And I also changed some wordings that different form zh-TW version in Hong Kong.

Before creating Hong Kong version, there is two bugs we have to fix first. Firstly, if we change the user agent to zh-HK in Firefox 3.0.4, the extension locale would be fall back to zh-CN if there are no zh-HK locale. It is truly not suitable for Hong Kong user, we have to change it to zh-HK→zh-TW→zh-CN→en-US. If this bug can not be fixed, we cannot create a Hong Kong version that is exactly suitable for Hong Kong user. Just like Flock the social browser that based on Firefox. Flock 2.0 has provided the Hong Kong version, but because of this bug, the extension locale fallback has turned to zh-CN, so Flock can not release the Hong Kong version, that makes a great trouble. I suggest to add a sign called "intl.extension.locale.fallback" in about:config or mix the fall-back with intl.accept_languages. And because Flock is a social browser, They thought that Hong Kong's cultural is very different from Taiwan, so that's why Flock would like to create a Hong Kong version. It is necessary to build up a Hong Kong version of Firefox too. Because it can really attract Hong Kong user to use Firefox. I think we should provide a nightly build of Hong Kong version in ftp.mozilla before this bug has been fixed. For more information, please refer to Bugzilla (Bug ID: 288670). And the another bug is the Pua bug. In Firefox 3, some Big5-HKSCS word can not show in Unicode but Firefox 2 can do it. So I suggest to use the Big5-HKSCS charaset table of Firefox 2 in the future version of Firefox 3. I think we should change all Big5 charaset web page to Big5-HKSCS in the Hong Kong version too (Just like the extension named "Big5-HKSCS Patch" ). Please refer to Bugzilla. (Bug ID: 403564 )

If the request of creating Hong Kong version has been accepted, we would suggest the words of showing in the Firefox download page. We would like that the English locale showing could be "Chinese Traditional (Hong Kong)" and the local name could be "繁體中文(香港)".

I would be grateful if the Hong Kong version of Firefox could be created.

yours sincerely,
Zeroth Yu